Between 17:00 and 18:00 today, Jonathan Jarrett, of this parish, is presenting a paper on our theme to the Leicester Medieval Research Seminar, which is online and thus open to all...
Rethinking the Medieval Frontier has been active for some years now, and we've done a reasonable amount of stuff, but one area in which we have been less active than would have been good has been publication. I'm happy to say that that is now set to change.
I'm pleased to say that another of our long-time collaborators, Professor Catarina Madureia Villamariz of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, has agreed to take up a more active rôle within the Rethinking the Medieval Frontier project.
Our network is always happy to gather in new people who also want to change the way the world thinks about frontiers, and such a one is Dr Andrea Mariani, of the Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memoria at the Universidade de Porto, who I'm pleased to announce has now joined the Rethinking the Medieval Frontier project.
If you have found this site and are a scholar of frontiers but not a medieval historian or archaeologist, then we would very much like to hear from you! A post has just gone up on our blog in which we express our desire to find collaborators...
The Rethinking the Medieval Frontier project announces plans to hold sessions at the 2022 International Medieval Congress, whose theme will be 'Borders'
... in the increasingly dire world situation the administration of the International Medieval Congress at the University of Leeds have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Congress, at which the round table recently announced here was to happen.
Rethinking the Medieval Frontier is pleased to announce that, even though we're in a low-activity phase just now, we will still be present at the 2020 International Medieval Congress at the University of Leeds. The theme for this year's Congress is Borders, so we can hardly not put in an appearance!
We can now announce the program for our first conference, for your delectation and consideration! For registration, follow this link. 09:45 registration and refreshments 10:15-10:30 welcome 10:30-11:00 Keynote Address: Patrick Fazioli (Mercy College), 'Social Networks, Complex Systems, and the Medieval Frontier: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Borderlands' 11:00-11:30 coffee 11:30-13:00 Session 1...
In case you had been wondering (and who hasn't?), the first conference of the project Rethinking the Medieval Frontier, which as you may remember is being held on April 10th 2018 in Leeds and for which paper proposals are still very welcome—see the Call for Papers—will be hosted by the University of Leeds in their...