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Rethinking the Medieval Frontier publication (at last) under way


Rethinking the Medieval Frontier has been active for some years now, and we've done a reasonable amount of stuff, but one area in which we have been less active than would have been good has been publication. I'm happy to say that that is now set to change. A small team of us, along with some specially-selected collaborators, is now at work on a themed journal issue which will showcase some of our most recent conference papers (and one old one of mine... ; I do have a lot...) and some new work commissioned specially for the issue. I don't want to give more details until peer review has had its say on what we submit; but if all goes well we should be looking at publication very early in 2025. It seems a while away right now; but I bet it won't as deadlines approach! Moreover this will not be the end; older plans are also stirring in this one's wake. So, as ever, please watch this space for details!