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Rethinking the Medieval Frontier seeks collaborators


We don't have access to the viewing statistics for this website, and we are prevented by University of Leeds policies from enabling comments, so we hope very much that it is being read and even being found useful, but cannot know. But, specifically, if you have found this site and are a scholar of frontiers but not a medieval historian or archæologist, then we would very much like to hear from you! A post has just gone up on our blog in which we express our desire to find collaborators; if you're interested in what we're doing, or in things like it, and come academically from either other periods of history or other disciplines, including but not limited to geography, anthropology or political science, please have a look at the post, and then, if you feel like it, get in touch, in the first instance with Jonathan Jarrett, whose contact details are through that link. We (I) would love to hear from you!