Actually reading Frederick Jackson Turner
There is an old trope in scholarship of the work that is "cited more often than read", usually meaning that it has got so baked...
Results 1 to 6 of 6
There is an old trope in scholarship of the work that is "cited more often than read", usually meaning that it has got so baked...
It has been a long time since there was action here, for which I apologise, but a lot is going on behind the scenes to...
Part of the reason that the report on our first conference took so long to come is the amount of other stuff your humble author...
Now that we have whetted your appetite with the program, which you can find here, we hope very much that you can also be induced...
Having set out the origins of this project, I thought perhaps a more personalised reflection on my position in the subject could be useful, not...
[There is some work to do for me in working out how to do line breaks and paragraph separation in this CSS template. But I'm...