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Privacy and data protection part 1


A report on the first Rethinking the Medieval Frontier conference is long overdue, but a ceaseless run of deadlines from then to now, still ongoing, has not left me time to write it! It will soon appear, I hope, as will news of future ventures in due course. In the meantime, however, here is a link to a report by star Institute for Medieval Studies intern Victoria Yuksaitis, and there is more such publicity, very gratefully received by us here, in the works.

Another thing that is not running to time, however, is this site's adaptation to the requirements of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation in Europe. As a site that normally allows comments, we fall under this here at Rethinking the Medieval Frontier, and a fix to our privacy policy reflecting our new responsibilities is even now being generated. Until it is, however, hopefully a few days only, I've reluctantly disabled comments for the time being. If you have a burning urge to communicate with us, please e-mail me at j dot jarrett at leeds dot ac dot uk, and I'll make your words appear where you would like them (within limits!).